Alchemical Hypnosis is known to be a source of help for restoring balance and wellness in connection to The Self.

Alchemical Hypnosis IN COLOR is mode of hypnosis with a deep focus  on exploring colors, images and sensations that arises throughout a session.

What is Hypnosis? 

• Hypnosis is often misunderstood and often perceived as being in a powerless state, under the total control of others. This kind of powerless state is often portrayed on stage, TV or entertainment. 

Hypnosis is a very natural state of trance that most of us experience every day. It is symbiotic with the phase “Zoning Out”.  We go in and out of mild trances every day.  We are in a hypnotic state when our mind seem to wander and daydream, browsing content of interest on social media, watching TV, or reading a good book. 

What is Alchemical Hypnosis

 • The word 'alchemy' is used to describe the process of transformation. In the context of Hypnosis, Alchemy is an interactive trance  that goes to the root of all kinds of emotional, physical and mental issues, and facilitates transformation by guiding clients to access their own positive inner-self resources. This school of hypnosis has been developed over the past 20 years by my therapist and teacher, David Quigley, based in Santa Rosa, California. The techniques in Alchemical Hypnosis, bring together many of the best elements of Gestalt sub-personality work, inner child recovery, Carl Jung's archetypes and emotional release.

How does Alchemical Hypnosis Work? 

• Alchemical Hypnosis is used to bypass the conscious mind and to access the wisdom of the subconscious, where all our memories and core beliefs are stored. The subconscious is essentially the collective world of the inner self, which is filled with memories, emotions and energies that have an impact on our mental, emotional, and physical wellness. The subconscious has a huge amount of power and influence on our everyday life. It shows up in our patterns of behavior and personal interactions.

Alchemical Hypnosis uses trance, a state of deep relaxation where the client is always aware and in control of what happens. While in a state of deep relaxation, clients are free to accept or reject any suggestions. As a source of support, I am simply a guide on this process, working together to address and resolve the situations that arise or issues needed to be addressed.

Alchemical Hypnosis is a drugless therapy that, properly done, addresses the underlying cause of:

• Exploration of authentic inner Self

• Anxiety

• Childhood trauma and neglect

• Post-traumatic stress

• Phobias

• Compulsive behaviors 

• Grief 

• Insomnia

• Emotional Pain 

• Relationship issues

• Creative blocks

• Physical and emotional abuse

• Sexual abuse 

• Stage fright

• Life transitions

• Exploration of repeated life patterns

• Exploration of Past Life Regression

Discovery Call

Hypnosis Session
